What I got from the book of Luke (third Gospel of Bible).
- Luke is detailed, diligent, intentional (1:3)
- Mary had fear and showed it--God replied and addressed her fear.
- Miracles and signs were performed with intention.
- Luke takes more time to explain things.
- Connects and cites Old Testament in New Testament.
- Luke takes the time to map out the genealogy of Jesus.
- Satan knows and uses scripture too. (chapter 4)
- Jesus has personality of both introvert and extrovert. (5:16)
- Our friends affect us.
- Jesus takes time to be by himself and pray.
- Jesus speaks so people can understand; uses language and concepts they are familiar with.
- Important to be persistent
- Jesus loves people.
- Being a Christ follower means to choose God above all else.
- Don't give up on people.
- There are always second chances with Jesus.
- Humility is important.
- Inclusiveness and diversity is important.
- Don't be lukewarm.
- God loves you enough to deal with your crap.
- God doesn't just forgive, he restores.
- Jesus is witty.
- Nobody is unworthy; all are loved.
- God provides hope for the broken.
My take on the Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11):
- Younger Son: Desired independence, went away as far as possible, spoke his needs of being independent to his father.
- Dad: Listened to son and gave him his desire.
- Older son: Tries to earn dad's favor, questions his own rewards, doesn't step in, essentially tells brother "you're not worth it".
- When younger son ready to come back: Had a plan and followed through with it. He confessed and admitted it and did something about it.
- v. 20: "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."
- Means his father was looking for him.
- His dad ran to him--didn't meet him halfway, didn't wait, he ran to him.
- Son had a long speech prepared, he was cut off because dad essentially says, "you came, that's what matters". Dad disregards sons unworthiness and then the party begins.
My take on the Lord's Prayer:
Father, Acknowledge God
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread. Be real with needs
Forgive us our sins, Confess sins
for we also forgive everyone who sins Ask for strength
against us.
And lead us not into temptation. Rely/trust in Jesus
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