Sunday, January 26, 2020

2020: Vision

2015: Relentless
2016: Intentional
2017: Growth
2018: Enough
2019: Focus
2020: Vision
Image result for vision business

I love puns and regular/normal things, so the word "vision" was the most natural word for the new decade, 2020.

This year is focusing on producing and inspiring a vision, particularly at work. To connect the program to the overall mission and vision of the agency and to strengthen connections within and outside of the program. To look several years down the line of where we can grow toward and set goals along the way. As noted in the previous post, leadership is incredibly important to me and part of being a great leader is being able to have a vision and make it real.

Within myself, it's not to not lose sight of the vision in the midst of the hardships. To remain steadfast and endure, while pursuing the vision; keeping the vision within sight. A large part of my vision in life is to uplift others--and ultimately Jesus. I want people to light up when they think about me and to see Jesus reflected through me. I want people to be glad they know me; glad they work with/for me; glad to see me. I want to be proud of myself. I want to be known as a great leader, friend, person, strong Christ follower.

I have a vision and I'm creating a plan to make it real.