Thursday, September 17, 2015

People are Amazing

And so is Google. I love Google so much. They are currently matching donations, 1:1, up to $11 million US dollars, 100% of the funds, to go towards helping the refugees. In less than twenty minutes, more than $20,000 has been donated (I keep refreshing, it's super cool seeing the numbers go up).

If I'm being honest, I donated just a little. And then I thought..Ashley, this is why you have money. So I did more. Sometimes, I have to give myself reminders and little have money to serve people. You have money to give to others. You have money to make life better for other people. 

Oh, yeah. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Money Commitment

With my money, I want to commit (at minimum, at this time):
  • Sponsor 1 child through Compassion
  • Make 1 Kiva payment every other week
  • Tip minimum 20% (under $15, 50%)
  • Actively pay off debt (car/student)
  • Pay all bills timely
  • Save for trip with friend