Thursday, May 7, 2020

Still Learning

I still have so much to learn. The more I learn, the more I learn how much more there is to learn. One word that I keep thinking about is this word of privilege. I have so much privilege. I'm constantly amazed at how much privilege I have and more and more feel the responsibility to use my privilege. Having privilege means I get to choose whether I want to do anything about my privilege. I don't always know how to, but I know I want to. It's in the small things, it's in the big things, it's in the day to day things (side note: I now have Chumbawumba stuck in my head).

I'm grateful for social media to be used to share amazing and wonderful things that happen throughout the world. I'm also grateful for social media to be used to share horrific and tragic events. It was largely through social media that I started reflecting about having white privilege. I was introduced to it in school and really got to dig deeper through journaling and friendships and real conversations. But social media is what was woven throughout. And social media is what helps shine a spotlight on injustices.

There are so many injustices in the world and one of them is that so often black lives are deemed as less worthy. My friends, black lives? They matter.

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