Monday, May 30, 2016


I went on my first solo vacation trip this Memorial Weekend to San Diego, CA and it was glorious. It doesn't even hardly feel real, which was partially why it was so nice--I didn't think about anyone or anything outside of where I was in the moment. I texted a few people every now and then, mainly to provide general safety updates, but otherwise, I didn't really use my phone. (And to take some pictures, but even then, I focused on enjoying the present moment rather than trying to capture things for the future.)

There are few places I love more than the beach. Actually, I can't really think of any place I love more than the beach. It's one of my "secret" loves (I don't talk about it often, but not necessarily hiding it). Except when it's dark, because then it terrifies me, I love bodies of water.

I visited two universities, a few beaches/coves, harbors, parks, museums, a national monument, and did a boat tour. And I read an entire book (The Husband's Secret, for book club). And slept soundly. 

Not once did I feel rushed, pressured, lonely, bored, bummed, sad, annoyed, stressed, scared, nervous, worried, or upset.

Sometimes I felt a little confused because I would get kind of lost, but always found my way. I mainly felt contentment, bliss, and calmed. Except every single time I saw the ocean, my face lit up like a Christmas tree, it was a little ridiculous. I couldn't contain my excitement and joy each time I saw the water. 
Seriously, in the car as I rounded a curve and saw the ocean. And whenever I walked a shoreline or by a bay, I'm pretty sure people may have thought I was nuts, because I was walking with this big goofy grin that I couldn't contain. Water does that to me..

This was my first trip that I can think of that I have ever done without an agenda. Without an itinerary or purpose. I've done solo trips before, but always for a reason. That's what made this one special. There was no reason to go other than to just go. 

I always have a purpose and a plan and a reason. "Let's just see what happens" is a phrase I despise. 

I've been working on trying to be more "go with the flow", spontaneous, and flexible. Doing things because you want to. If I wanted something longer than three seconds, I did it or I bought it. I created a list of things I wanted to do and then just did them. 

I might make this a tradition...but in the meantime, I need to figure out how to start to integrate some of this past weekend's experiences into my real life.

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