Sunday, April 4, 2021

Does It Matter?

More and more I've been thinking about how much I want people to consider the possibility that the resurrection story is real. Strip away the way that God and Christianity are portrayed or what you may currently think of it. At the core, the belief that there is a God who loves us and desires a relationship with us. 

What if it were true that there is a good God who is just, merciful, holy, full of grace, and loving? And what if it were true that Jesus willingly died on the cross and rose again and willingly took our shame, fear, and doubts? What if the resurrection story were real? 

There's A LOT to unpack regarding logic, faith, beliefs, etc and we can totally dive into that. But for now, just start with this--

Are you willing to:

1. Consider the possibility that it COULD be real (not necessarily accept that it is).  

2. If it were real, what might that mean?

As for me, I have made a decision that it is real and that it not only matters, it's the most important thing in the universe. For me, I want to continue to realize how radical His love is and how much it really does matter that He died and rose again. Sometimes, it can feel like "just a story". Other times, I believe it to be true, but not recognize how much it matters. But, oh God, does it matter. It matters that there is a God who loves us. It matters that there is a God who is just, merciful, holy, full of grace, loving, and seeking us. It matters that He pursues us and that He willingly took our shame, fear, and doubts and it matters that He gives us the freedom to choose. It matters that there is a God who is the I AM. Even with doubts, those can be dealt with and wrestled with and discussed. But first, consider the possibility that this could be true--then what might that mean?

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