Before I started this new role, I was a bit nervous--you can read about it here.
I'm the Senior Resident Assistant (SRA) for McConnell Hall and this is a quick list of things I've learned already:
- Respect those whom you supervise and they will respect you.
- The McConnell staff is incredible.
- For real knowing that people are watching your every move, is freaking scary.
- People tell me it's okay to mess up, but I'm pretty sure it's not allowed.
- Confronting people is much easier in training than in a real situation.
- Not having all the answers sucks.
- Having a messy front desk is one of the worst things ever.
- Having too many people behind the desk makes it look messy.
- Just because something is easier doesn't mean it's better.
- Just because something is hard doesn't mean that's an excuse to not do it.
- It's easy to make excuses for people--don't do it.
- Don't let people fall through the cracks.
- Every single resident and staff member is important and matters.
- When people walk by, acknowledge their existence.
- Refer to number 11.
- Set high expectations and hold people accountable.
That's just a quick list for now.